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(1 edit)

Hey, Balloon Cart! I've been using your amazing tilesets for my (open-source, non-commercial) Megaman fangame titled "Megaman Maverick". I was wondering, are you still doing artwork? Would you be willing to take requests or commissions? :)

Also, I read in another comment that you have a Discord channel? Would you mind sharing that with me (if it's still active)? :)

I don't do pixel art as much as I used to, but I do have an active discord: balloon9311. I apologize in advance if I'm slow to reply. Megaman Maverick looks like it's shaping up to be an awesome game!

Thank you for the motivation! Sent you a friend request on Discord. :)

what are the sizes of the enemy sprites [32x32, etc]?


You really managed to make the palette look good, congrats!

Thank you, Pidroh!

is there any specific colour palette that you used, or is it hand-picked?


Most of my assets strictly follow the NES's limitations, so the palette is the NES palette: Each tile uses one of several sub-palettes that are made up of 3 unique colors and one shared color. Same goes for the sprites with the shared color being the alpha channel. Hope that helps!


(1 edit) (+1)

Hello! I really like your assets, so I made a game with them! It took me a long time, but I had fun! Check it out! Hope I can hear from you soon!

I had a ton of fun playing your game! And thank you for your comment. Since you've made a game with the pack, do you have any advice on how I could improve future asset packs?


This pack is extremely good! I don't have anything negative to say. For any future asset packs, I would like to see more of the same! The concept level ideas were a huge help since I used them as references for my level designs. I like how diverse and interesting the enemies are.  Also, providing both the sprite strips/gifs helped. All in an organize way!! :O


Actually now that I think about, I didn't use all the assets, because I wasn't sure how to use them. (I don't have an artistic eye.) When/If you create more level concept art, it would be sweet to see more of the other assets used (i.e. backgrounds/platform). Hope that makes sense! :) 

That makes perfect sense. I'll definitely keep that in mind for future packs. I've actually considered including Gamemaker Studio 2 projects in future packs, but I don't know if that's something anyone's interested in. I'm happy these assets are being put to good use. 


If you want, go for it! I just hope it doesn't eat up all your time.


Awesome stuff


Good work

Thank you, CapnWakka!

Deleted 3 years ago

Yep! I plan to make a main character, enemies, and robot masters/bosses for the Reactor Man tileset and my future tilesets. Thank you for your interest, Life55!

Deleted 3 years ago